
Stakeholder Engagement 07 December 2022

KZN Agriculture and Rural Development Portfolio Committee conducted Stakeholder Engagement session on the 07 December 2022 at Amajuba District Municipality. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) and Agribusiness Development Agency (ADA), both presented the 2021/21 Annual Report and Annual Performance Plans (APP) as well as 2022/23 Draft APP and Budgets. Highlights on key aspects of comprehensive capacity building to continue to provide support and grow agribusiness entrepreneurs with soft skills to enhance their business operations including mentorship incubator programmes. Key emphasis of infrastructure development will be on infrastructure planning, infrastructure development/establishment/rehabilitation (physical infrastructure, resource-based infrastructure and Agri processing infrastructure). The Portfolio Committee emphasised the need for stakeholder engagements through roadshows on opportunities available for farmers by both department and ADA.


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